Friday, November 18, 2011

I Went To New York!

I decided that the reason I am so bad at blogging is because there is too much that I want to share. It's time for me to just come to terms with the fact that some stuff just must be left out.
One of my favorite things about New York was the artist touch that you get just walking around the city. It was so fun for me and I'll honestly admit that, while seeing academic art in galleries and museums was fun, just walking around was half of the art experience. Here are some of my favorites:
This bathroom was so rad! I didn't get very good pictures regretfully.

Awesome Graffiti! On some of the buildings you can acquire a permit to graffiti and so because of that, the images are so intricate and beautiful because the artists can work without fearing being caught. I loved seeing some of those buildings!

Legos stuck to a tree. There were also legos stuck to brick walls in some places.

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